The Conclusion of Silver Stalkerbane

You return to the mysterious house with the purple fog, completed list in hand and heavy bag of books on your shoulder.

“Back so soon? If I’d known you’d be that quick, I’d have called you Speedy.” A familiar voice teases. Silver steps out into the soft glow of the peach-orange light and grins at you. While she still holds the gun, it’s clear she has no intention of using it on you. That light perfume of hers drifts to you on the wind.

“Well, with Halloween at stake, I figured there was no time to waste.” You offer her the list with a warm smile of your own. “All the tropes and themes and information accounted for. And I even went so far as to bring you copies of all the books.” You lift the patchwork bag of books in triumph.

“Nicely done.” She accepts the list, sincere appreciation crossing her features. “You really are a gem, Seeker.”

“You sure this will be enough?”

“Yes, at least for here,” she says.

“This is perfect. Using these stories, I will restore the ward so that nothing breaks through. I hope we get the chance to work again. Maybe we’ll even get to fight alongside one another.”

“That would certainly be fun.”

She tilts her head as she studies you. “It certainly would.”

“Do you need any help restoring the wards?”

“No, Seeker. I’ve got it.” She grins, then gives your shoulder a light strike. “Thanks for all the help. If you want to be of help though, follow the road up to the north. There are lots of others in need of aid this week. I’ll bet they could all use someone of your skills.” She grinds her heavy brown boot into the ground as she turns. “See you around, cutie.” With an easy wave of her gloved hand, she strides off into the fog.

You shake your head as you watch her go. It’s such fun to be able to use your knowledge of books to help save the world. This is shaping up to be an excellent Halloween. With one more glance at the strange house, you decide you’ll follow the worn road that leads north. You can’t wait to see what adventures you encounter. It’s going to be a fantastic week.

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