A Ride with the Vampire Prince

Photo of Vela Roth

Part 1 – Vela Roth

Molly crept into the stables by the light of her spell crystal.

There was only one horse left. The earl and most of his guests were on a hunt and wouldn’t return until tomorrow. By then, Molly would be gone.

She had no choice. The ladies were depending on her, and if she had to sacrifice everything for them, she would.

She tip-toed to the horse’s stall. The black steed belonged to Prince Ammar, who was visiting from afar to renew his alliance with the earl.

“Do you remember how to saddle a horse?”

At the rich, masculine voice, Molly froze. Heart pounding, she turned to face Prince Ammar. His dark eyes gleamed with amusement.

She bristled. “Of course I remember.” Then her voice softened. “You were a good teacher.”

“I miss those days, when a visiting prince could escape his tutors and ride with the lady-in-waiting’s daughter on sunny afternoons.” Back then, they could both pretend status didn’t matter. Ammar put a hand to his chest. “You wound me, Molly. I teach you to ride, and you repay me by stealing my horse?”

“I thought you wouldn’t notice until tomorrow afternoon. You always oversleep.”

“True…but I just don’t sleep at night anymore.” He gave her his charming grin, only this time…

He had fangs.

Molly gasped. “When did you become a vampire?”

“I’ll tell you the story of my descent into bloodlust and unusual sleep schedules. But only if you tell me where you’re going—and let me come with you.”

Find more from Vela Roth here: www.velaroth.com
Check out her book here

Part 2 – E. Menozzi

“I heard there was a bloodlust craze among the nobles across the Okore Sea, but the Ammar I remember wasn’t one to follow trends.” She extinguished the spell crystal and tucked it into her pocket as though she didn’t fear what he’d become.

“I see you still think you know everything.” Prince Ammar swept a cloak across his broad shoulders. “Perhaps I’ll just take my horse and go riding alone, then.”

In a breath, he was at his horse’s side, holding the saddle. He moved with an unnatural speed that sent shivers down Molly’s spine and made her fingertips itch for the stake she kept tucked in her boot.

There wasn’t time to argue. Molly needed that horse to find a dragontooth. Without the powder ground from that last and most critical ingredient, her mother couldn’t finish the elixir that would free the countess and her ladies from the earl’s enchantment. And once the full moon set, the earl’s spell could no longer be broken.

“No.” She needed to stop Ammar, but she couldn’t bring herself to stab the first boy she’d ever kissed, and she couldn’t waste the crystal’s magic.

“You’re welcome to join me.” Prince Ammar lifted the corner of his mouth in a feral grin. “All you have to do is tell me where we’re going.”

Vampire or not, this was Ammar. He was still Ammar, wasn’t he? She wouldn’t know for sure unless she went with him.

Molly took a bold step toward him. “Nightmare Ridge.”

Find more from E. Menozzi here: www.emenozzi.com
Check out her book here

Photo of Kristin Gleeson

Part 3 – Kristin Gleeson

Ammar’s expression darkened. “Nightmare Ridge?”

Molly crossed her arms and fixed him with a determined stare. “Yes.”

“No one goes to Nightmare Ridge. Don’t you know what’s there?”

Molly rolled her eyes. “Look, if you don’t want to go, I’ll find another horse and go by myself.”

He shook his head. “You haven’t changed, have you? I didn’t say I wouldn’t go.” He reached down for her hand. “Come.” 

Molly looked at his hand. Ammar grinned at her, the fangs reminding her even more of why she should be cautious. Still, she had a silver dagger hidden in her boot. A moment later, she was mounting the horse behind him, thankful for her leather-clad legs and for the boots she’d had the foresight to wear. 

Ammar urged the horse forward, and she grabbed his waist, feeling his well-muscled torso that had, if anything, increased in size since she’d seen him last. And his thighs… She wouldn’t think about them. She would think about the dragonsteeth and her mother’s cry for help that had compelled her to leave her position as apprentice to the Forest Mage’s assistant and return to the earl’s court. 

The moon which had lit their way a few moments ago disappeared in a shroud of mist. The mist deepened. Molly could feel Ammar stiffen. She sniffed, recognizing the foul odor that assaulted her nose. Even though her mother claimed she only had a drop of Fae blood in her, it was enough to identify the smell’s source.


Check out Kristin Gleeson’s book here

Photo of RL Merrill

Part 4 – RL Merrill

Why did it have to be trolls? One bite from their venomous mouths and Molly would have no hope of saving the enchanted ladies. She would suffer paralysis, delirium, and then she would be forced to watch as they tore her to pieces, her flesh satisfying their ghastly craving.

“I hope you’ve got more weapons than your fangs and your charm.” Molly reached for her boot, but Ammar stayed her hand.

“Patience,” he murmured. He made to dismount and she gripped his thigh…tightly. Ammar’s dark brows rose toward his perfect widow’s peak in surprise. 

“I—You can’t face them alone.” She reached for her dagger, and he stilled her hand once more, his touch lingering, his strong, cool fingers evoking a gasp. 

“Silver will only make them angry, darling.” He hopped down and walked forward with his hands outstretched, his deep voice slicing through the stillness of the night. “I’ve brought the woman, as requested.”

Molly’s heart lurched in dread. She should have known better than to trust the likes of Prince Ammar.

One by one, the gray-skinned creatures crept forward, appearing out of thin air, their long, stringy black hair clinging to their faces.

“Does she know of your bargain?” the leader asked Ammar.

The Prince turned to gaze at her, one perfect eyebrow arched. She wanted to slice it off with her dagger. How dare he—

“She is unaware that I have brought her here for safe passage through your lands…and that you have sworn to fight alongside me against the coming enemy.”

Find more from RL Merrill here: www.rlmerrillauthor.com
Check out her book here

Photo of Rose Sinclair with tabby cat

Part 5 – Rose Sinclair

“You aligned with them?” Molly asked. Trolls barely followed their own, let alone a newly made vampire prince.

Venom dripped from its drooling maw as a troll ventured closer. “You promised deliciousness,” he cooed. “Promised us her.”

“Let us pass,” Ammar said. “There will be even more women for you to enjoy.”

Not a chance. Molly hadn’t started this journey only to trade one cruelty for another. Her fist curled around her blade, ready to give them something to be angry about. As the first troll rushed forward, her hard, fast slash caught the creature’s nose.

A second later, Molly stumbled back from a snapping bite, barely pulling her blade up and away from Ammar’s chest as his hands steadied her from around her boned corset. Her eyes fell to his mouth—and she told herself it was only out of caution.

“Patience,” Ammar murmured once more, this time with a knowing smile that Molly was able to share. Hadn’t they played this game as children? Pretended to be statues under the bright sun, only allowed to move when the other turned away. This was the same act of trust, grown up and replaced with moonlight and the glint of something oh so more dangerous between them.

Slowly, Molly nodded. He moved. His sharp teeth tore out the leader’s throat, the gray flesh spit out by the time Ammar slowed down enough for Molly’s eyes to even refocus on him.

The prince’s chin rose confidently as he glanced over the remaining trolls. “Who wishes to renegotiate our terms?”

Find more from Rose Sinclair here: www.rosesinclair.com
Check out their book here

Photo of L. Penelope

Part 6 – L. Penelope

The newly deferential trolls quickly formed a guard leading Molly and Ammar up the twisting paths to the top of Nightmare Ridge. With such a protective force surrounding them, none of the fearsome creatures of this bleak landscape dared to trouble them.

“You still haven’t told me why we’re here,” Ammar said when they’d reached the end of the path.

“For that.” She pointed up to the peak of the ridge. An enormous nest built from whole trees rested in an indentation in the rock.

“I need the baby teeth of a juvenile dragon for an elixir.” Thankfully at this time of year, the young dragons had already flown off, however, the nest was too high to reach. “I’ll have to make that climb.” She tried to sound more confident than she felt.

“Wait.” Ammar’s large hand engulfed her shoulder. “We can do it together.”

With a burst of black smoke, wings erupted from his back. Molly gasped in surprise, then melted into him when his arms went around her. “You’ve developed some new skills.”

“I have many hidden talents I’d like to show you.” His voice was low with promise.

Molly swallowed, tightening her arms around him as he flew them up to the nest where several dragonteeth lay just out of reach. 

“Trust me?” he asked.

She pulled back to look into his dark eyes. “Yes.”

Hands gripping her waist, he twisted her so that her back was to his chest and dipped them down so she could grab the teeth she needed.

Find more from L. Penelope here: www.lpenelope.com
Check out her book here

Photo of Amanda Bouchet

Part 7 – Amanda Bouchet

Molly smiled, satisfied at a job well done. The dragontooth powder had been the last ingredient for her mother’s elixir. They’d broken the earl’s enchantment on the countess’s ladies and restored their free will. The furious ladies had swarmed the earl, delivering him to the visiting prince for justice. Ammar thought better of renewing his alliance with the despicable earl and ate him instead. Molly couldn’t say she was sorry. The blood on Ammar’s fangs hadn’t even revolted her. 

A little shiver went down her spine. 

“Molly, darling.” She looked over at Ammar’s soft words. They’d ridden out together to make sure their troll allies had chased off the last of the earl’s followers. “I never eat the innocent. You should know that.” 

“Who determines who’s innocent?” she asked, his deep, velvety voice making her wonder what a little fang prick might feel like. 

“Perhaps you could help me make those decisions,” Ammar said. “As my wife.” 

Her heart thumped. “Are you asking me to marry you?” 

“I cannot think of a better partner. I thought you were amazing when we were young, and I think you’re even more amazing now.” He reached over and gently touched the curve of her jaw. “After all, you braved a vampire, fought a troll, and broke a curse—all in one night.” 

Warmth swirled through her. “Perhaps taming a prince should be my next endeavor?” 

His dark eyes heated. “Does that mean yes?” 

“Yes, Ammar.” She reached for him, and he lifted her onto his lap. After all, they’d only ever needed one horse.

Find more from Amanda Bouchet here: amandabouchet.com
Check out her book here