Important Announcement!
Thank you so much to every single one of you for your participation in this event, both in playing and supporting. We are so grateful to you.
We are currently preparing the treasure rooms and getting things set up to contact the winners. You will receive an email when the treasure rooms go live, and we will contact you by email if you have won some of the other prizes as well.
Thank you again!
A great big thank you to everyone who participated in Fae or No Fae!
We are delighted to announce our winners.
- For the Fae Path, we have:
- Danielle D.
- Kristie W.
- Pearl
- For the No Fae Path, we have:
- Michelle D.
- Lori B.
- Kelli
For our Bonus Quest Winners, we have:
- Morrow Quest: Jennifer
- The Elf King’s Quest: Steph
- Monstrous Delights: Simran
- Clever Girl: Britt D.
- Once Upon a Time: Mindy M.
- Karo’s Quest: Kaylee F.
- Crispin’s Tasty Quest: Encanto Atelier
Congratulations to all of you! And thank you so much for your participation in every aspect. You made a lot of authors’ day with your feedback on stories you loved and want to see more of, and it was such fun to share these quests and adventures with you.
We would like to give our utmost thanks to all those who contributed to the prizes, including
- Physical Prizes
- Catrina Bell
- Jessica M. Butler
- Jamie Dalton
- Elayna R. Gallea
- Jeffe Kennedy
- Ophelia Wells Langley
- E. Menozzi
- T.L. Price
- Rachel Rener
- Vela Roth
- Marina Simcoe
- Jesikah Sundin
- Digital Prizes
- Catrina Bell
- Casey Blair
- Melene Braxton
- Jessica M. Butler
- Stephanie BwaBwa
- Beth Caudill
- Nicki Chapelway
- Jes Drew
- Catharine Glen
- S.C. Grayson
- Angela J. Ford
- Kyra Halland
- Meredith Hart
- Jaycee Jarvis
- Isabella Khalidi
- Ophelia Wells Langley
- L.R.W. Lee
- Lauren M.D.
- H.R. Moore
- Kass O’ Shire
- Candace Robinson & Amber R. Duell & Elle Beaumont
- Vela Roth
- Callie Thomas
- Clare Sager
- Helen Scheuerer
- Rose Sinclair
- Marina Simcoe
- Jesikah Sundin
- L.J. Swallow
- Sarah K. L. Wilson
- Megan Van Dyke
- Giftcards/Monetary Donations
- Catrina Bell
- Casey Blair
- Melene Braxton
- Jessica M. Butler
- Alex Callan & Angelica Babineaux
- FaRoFeb
- Meredith Hart
- Isabella Khalidi
- Kass O’Shire
- Clare Sager
- Jesikah Sundin
- Megan Van Dyke
Hello there, well-read traveler!
You are just in time for Fae or No Fae! This weekend will be full of fun and games as well as lots of opportunities to discover new stories, expand your reading horizons, win fun prizes ranging from paperbacks to gift cards, and indulge in our great love of fantasy romance, urban fantasy romance, and paranormal romance.
What’s The Main Game?
You see before you two paths. You’ve heard that these are troubling times. And there are always people in need of help.
Which path do you choose?
Each path has its own quest (and a special hero in need of your aid): the No Fae Path with Cendric the Shadow Weaver and the Fae Path with Tristan Stormrider.
How Do You Play?
Each quest is a scavenger hunt and has its own page. The two big quests are the Fae Path Quest and the No Fae Path Quest. There are three prize packs in each one.
You will get the form on the page and then find stories that fit the trope requests.
Important: you do not have to read the books to fill out the lists. You do not have to read 18 books before July 3.
You’ll even find some opportunities for bonus points if you post about your discoveries on social media too.
To complete the Quest, you can only use stories that are included in this event. (Don’t worry. We’ve included them all.)
You can only use a story for one element on the list in each quest.
As part of the point is to read new stories and celebrate ones you’ve already read, we’ve got a fun little tweak. If you know or discover that a listed story fits one of the items on your quest (even if the listing doesn’t include it), you can put it on the list.
So, for instance, if you’re looking for a fairy tale retelling and there’s a story on the list that you know is a Beauty and the Beast, you can list that story as fulfilling that requirement even if it isn’t listed on the tropes. You can also read the book’s blurb.
And once you’re done, you turn it in on the appropriate quest page. Then you will be eligible to receive your rewards.
Rewards You Say?
Everyone who turns in one of the Quest Forms will get access to the Treasure Room, which is a series of digital prizes. (There are some stories and items that are exclusive to one path or the other, so it is to your advantage to complete both Paths.)
Of course, you can complete both the Fae and No Fae Paths as well as the bonus quests. But you can only win one of the prize packs. If you win more than one through random draw, we will ask you if you have a preference.
The Prize Packs themselves each contain a variety of items, based on which path you choose. But each of the main winners for the physical prizes need to be in the US, UK, or Canada for shipping unless otherwise noted. The Fae and No Fae Paths will each have:
- First Place Prize Pack
- choice of hardcover or paperback up to $35
- winner’s choice of sweet or salty treat
- winner’s choice of tea/dry packaged beverage
- $25 Amazon or online bookstore retailer gift card
- Second Place Prize Pack
- choice of a paperback up to $20
- $15 Amazon or online book retailer gift card
- Third Place Prize Pack
- $10 Amazon or online book retailer gift card
Fae Or No Fae will run from June 30 to July 2. You will have until 11:59 PM EST on July 3 to turn in the Scavenger Hunt Forms. Then the winners of the prizes will be chosen by random draw.
You don’t have to race to complete these.
If you still have questions, check out the FAQ here.
Now Choose!
Bonus Quests –
Of course, we don’t just have the two main quests.
We’re also going to have some smaller quests that will pop up throughout the course of the weekend. These quests are shorter but some may be a little more challenging.
As they go live, you’ll find them listed below. You may also spot them on Instagram or TikTok.