Feel free to skip the story and go to the next heading (Your Quest: Prize, Rules, and Forms) if you want to get straight to the rules, quest, and eligible stories.
You make your way through the forest, glancing up and around. Only moments ago, you had been shuffling through pine needles and soft dead leaves at twilight.
Now you are surrounded by a brisk spectacle of autumn in the late afternoon.
The air is cooler now, charged with a peaceful but untamed energy that smells like tart berries, woodsmoke, and fresh hay. Crisp leaves rest underfoot, their colors a riotous mixture of reds, oranges, browns, and yellows. Though some of the trees look to be maples, elms, and oaks, many hold fruit similar to brightly hued apples and persimmons.
Up ahead, a river rushes down the embankment.
A tall figure stands near one of the trees by the river, hand resting on the mossy-bark. Tall. Regal. Hair as pale as the moon, cascading down his shoulders. Elegant robes of silver-black skim his body, slashes of red highlighting the inside of his cloak and matching his brilliant autumnal crown.
What is one of the elf kings doing out here?
Has he seen you?
He hasn’t moved yet. Elves are challenging to understand at times. You know better than to sneak up on one despite having the skills that would allow you to do so. Yet there’s something peaceful about him. Something contemplative.
“I have been waiting a long time for a person of great knowledge. Is that you?” His voice is quiet, low but gentle. Yet you hear him distinctly. “Are you wise?”
“I’m not certain I would call myself either wise or a person of great knowledge, though I do know some things. What do you wish to know?” You draw closer, still cautious but more curious.
He glances at you for a moment, then away. His eyes, though light-colored, seem to change hue from pale blue to pale purple. “It is all rather complicated, you see.”
He does not seem to make eye contact easily, but it does not feel as if this is an insult against you. Just as if perhaps it makes him uncomfortable. You remain silent and wait for him to continue.
“Some would say that elves are fae while others say they are not. In the current conflicts, most have been deemed to be non-fae. But it isn’t actually that simple, is it?” He lifts one hand and shrugs. “All elves are kin, but most do not share true blood or actual tradition. Do you know what the distinction is between those seen as fae and those not?”
You smother the chuckle that rises within you. “That sounds like a riddle with an answer likely to cause offense.”
He smiles. “So you are wise.” He turns to more fully face you. His expression is brighter now, his eyes more grey-purple. “Let me offer you a challenge then. A test of your wisdom and insight.”
“I wasn’t aware it needed to be tested.”
“You can decline the quest, of course. And no ill will from me. But I hope you will accept. I’m curious what you will discover.”
“I’m curious what this quest is.”
He gestures toward the paths that wind through the autumnal forest. “I want you to seek out five stories that feature elves. Five stories that you feel show admirable or intriguing aspects of us. There is certain to be great variety. Our makers are as varied as we. And because I am so curious, you can seek them out from either the Fae or No Fae Path.”
An interesting challenge to be certain. Seeing a variety of interpretations might actually give you greater insight. You certainly know where to look. “Any other requirements?”
His mouth curls in an almost shy smile. “If they could be love stories, I would prefer that. It is in love and loss of love and restoration that we are most revealed.”
Your knowledge of love stories is vast indeed. And while it may be challenging to seek out elf stories specifically, you have some ideas. “I will return soon.”
“I look forward to your findings. I will be here when you return.” His gaze returns then to the chuckling river, appearing to once more lose himself in thought.
You mull over the stories you already know and start off, leaves crunching under your feet. This might take a little bit, but it will be good.
Your Quest: Prize, Rules, and Forms
Once you complete this quest, you will be entered in a chance to win a $10 giftcard to a bookstore of your choice.
This is open internationally as long as you can receive a giftcard for your preferred bookstore.
To complete the Quest, you can use stories from either of the official lists. And yes, you can take stories from both.
You can only use a story for one element on the list in this quest. It is all right if you repeat a story from any other quest though.
This quest is a little trickier. Some stories may have the word “elf” in their title. But you may have to take an educated guess and pull the books up and read their blurbs. There are stories that qualify for this on each list though, so it is worth exploring.
Be kind to your fellow readers and other authors.
The Forms
You are on your way to find five stories featuring elves. They can be from either of the official lists. Only one of the main characters needs to be an elf.
(Please note, not all elves are fae. Some authors have treated them as if they are a type of fae. Others treat them as separate. The qualifying stories will have the descriptor of “elf” in the blurb or the title.)
This one you will either fill out a Google Form or email us your discoveries.
Each answer is worth one token. So you can receive 10 tokens by completing this. Each token is an entry into the giveaway.
Bonus Tokens
In addition to the regular tokens, you can get bonus tokens by completing the following acts.
One extra token for every story you share in an individual social media post. (Yes, you can post on multiple platforms.)
Use #elfkingquestbonus (and if you want to absolutely bless me, save off the links and paste them in the forms or an email to make sure we definitely see them. Screenshots also work.).
(We have graphics of all the stories here so you don’t have to make something separate. Just look look under the author’s last name to find the stories.)
Submitting Your Form
Once you’ve gathered up your collection of stories, you’ll need to turn them in so we can verify.
You can turn in your stories in two ways.
- Complete this form and directly post your answers (if you do this, you don’t need to turn in anything else. The form will allow you to return to it and edit your answers).
- Email your five choices to faeornofae@farofeb.com. Make sure to include any of the bonus activities you have done as well. Use the title Elf King Quest or some similar identifier.
Make sure to submit your completed form or list by July 3 at 11:59 PM EST.
If you have any problems, please feel free to email faeornofae@farofeb.com.
The Conclusion to the Elf King’s Quest

You return, list in hand. Five books that feature elves. Each one distinct. Each one offering its own insights.
The elf king still stands by that tree, overlooking the river. His thoughts must be heavy. But then he turns. Though he doesn’t exactly smile, the brightening in his expression suggests he is happy to see you. “You were successful.”
You hold up the list as you approach. “I certainly was. Have a look.”
“What excellent time you made.” He gestures lightly with two fingers. The list vanishes from your hand, and a stack of books materializes on the stones beside his tree.
You halt. He just made the books from the list become real.
That is a handy talent.
He steps back to the stone and makes another gesture. A full tea service with a tall silver pot appears as well. Maintaining his excellent posture, he sits on the ground and removes the first book from the stack. “You are welcome to join me in reading if you wish. And if you would like to partake, I can offer you silver needle white tea with a pear infusion.”
Perhaps it would be nice to read a little bit. There are more quests to complete. But you could spare a few minutes. “That would be lovely.” You sit beside him.
Without you having to ask, he moves over so that you can rest your back on the tree trunk as well. Then he draws one of the books from the stack and offers it to you. “When you’re finished, tell me what you think.” He pauses, looking you in the eye. “You never asked my name.”
“I assumed if you wanted me to know it, you would tell me. Just as I would tell you mine, if I wanted it known.”
A smile spreads over his pleasant mouth. In this light, his eyes look pale green. “I like you. Thank you for sharing this time with me.” A contented smile on his face, he picks up his own book and opens to the first page.
You open yours as well. It feels good to sit and read. Even if only for a little while. Really it’s what brought you on this journey to begin with.
Have you explored all the Bonus Quests yet? If this is the only one, don’t worry. I hear there are more coming. In fact, there’s an odd whispering in the wind and stirrings of some strange magic already.