Check out our awesome partners below. We’re excited to be working with these amazing contributors, and can’t wait for you to discover them too!
Library partners:

Ashland Public Library MA
Instagram: @AshlandPublicLibraryMA
Website: https://www.ashlandmass.com/184/Ashland-Public-Library
BookTube partners:

YouTube: @BookedForRomance
Instagram: @BookedForRomance

YouTube: @TiffTalksPages
Instagram: @NeverlandPixy
Book tours:

Paper Myths Media
Paper Myths offer blog tours exclusively for fantasy romance authors.
Website: https://www.papermythsmedia.com/
Instagram: @PaperMyths

The Spiral Bookcase
Website: https://spiralbookcase.com/
Instagram: @SpiralBookcase
Facebook: @SpiralBookcase

Beastly Books, NM
Website: https://www.beastlybooks.com/
Instagram: @BeastlyBooks418
Facebook: @BeastlyBooks418

Romantic Fantasy Closet
Website: https://michellemoras.com/pages/shop-romantasy-closet
Instagram: @RomantasyRealm
Discount code for 23% off entire order: FaRoFeb23